A Good Addiction (Tim Miller)

The grace of God isn’t a license to sin; it’s the power to change.


Sermon Tweetables:

  • Law looks like it will destroy sin but ends up empowering it. Grace looks like it will empower sin but it ends up destroying it.
  • The Christian life isn’t about attaining and performing; it’s about receiving and abiding.
  • Grace isn’t the opposite of obedience; grace is the favor of God which creates obedience. In fact, it’s the only thing that can.
  • If I trust God I ENTRUST myself to God. If I don’t, I don’t really “believe” in the biblical sense of the word.
  • Grace frees us from guilt, shame, and condemnation, but it also frees us from EXCUSES. Why? There was grace available to do God’s will.
  • To live under law is to live in the weakness of the flesh. To live under grace is to live in the power of the Spirit.
  • The unrenewed heart asks, “What can I get away with and still be saved?” The renewed heart asks, “How can I know and please God more?”